I’m In The Reverse Mortgage Industry Because…

Happy Reverse Mortgage ClientWe received a call the other day from the daughter of a reverse mortgage client who we had closed several years ago.  Her mother, Mildred, had been in foreclosure, in fact in this situation the sheriff’s sale had already happened.

Because credit scores and income are not required to qualify for a reverse mortgage and there were enough funds to pay off the mortgage, Mildred qualified for the reverse mortgage and we were able to save her home from foreclosure and redeem it from the sheriff’s sale.  With no monthly mortgage payments the reverse mortgage has allowed Mildred to live in her home with improved cash flow.

As she has done through the years, Mildred’s daughter was calling just to say, “hello.”  During the calls she always let us know how her mother is doing and what’s happening in her life as well.  She reported that her mother is happy that she is still able to be living in her home.  She’s doing well and now goes to adult day services to provide her some socialization.

It’s a pleasure to get these calls and hear how our clients are doing.  I’m in the reverse mortgage industry because I am able to make a difference in one’s life so they can remain in their home as they so choose.  It’s an honor to have our clients and their family members call to just say “hello” and let us know how they are doing.  Even years after the closing it’s rewarding to hear we have made a difference in their life.  I’m blessed to be in the reverse mortgage industry and help our Minnesota seniors and their families.

© 2011-2015 Beth Paterson, CRMP, Beth’s Reverse Mortgage Blog, 651-762-9648

This material may be re-posted provided it is re-posted in its entirety without modifications and includes the contact information, copyright information and the following link: http://wp.me/p4EUZQ-pF

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Reverse Mortgage Allowed Creation of Memories for Family

Reverse Mortgage Created Memories for Bob and His FamilyFriday I received a call from the niece of one of my Minnesota reverse mortgage clients telling me that Bob had passed away.  After extending my sympathies I answered her questions and helped her understand the process now that the loan is due.   As I talked with Bob’s niece she shared how loving Bob was and how the FHA  Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) reverse mortgage not only benefited him but also allowed for him to create numerous memories for the family.

During our conversation I shared some memories of my meetings and conversations with Bob and his perspective on how the reverse mortgage had made a difference in his life.  Bob had called me after his trip to Yellowstone with a nephew telling me what a wonderful time he had had and how happy he was to be able to take the trip.  During another conversation he had said he had remodeled his home to be adapted to be wheelchair accessible.  He had also shared how much the reverse mortgage had given him his independence and the ability to remain in his home where he wanted to be with his dog.  I originally shared Bob’s stories in my blog “Reverse Mortgage Helps Minnesota Senior To Be Prepared for Future.”

Apparently Bob’s wife who had proceeded him in death limited Bob from fulfilling his dreams.  It appeared it had to do with not having much money but also her attitude.  With the reverse mortgage he had money like he never had before.  He would tell his niece, “I don’t know how it is that I have money now when I never did before.”  She said he became energetic and interested in life.

The family’s perspective of the  trip to Yellowstone was that it had not only been a wonderful experience for Bob, his young traveling partner had an experience of a lifetime with his uncle and has memories of the trip to treasure.  I was told the expressions on their faces upon their return were smug and they were keeping secrets that will likely never be shared like “little boys” do.

Bob bought gifts for family members like a vacuum cleaner for someone who needed it but didn’t have the funds to purchase it on their own.  What a good feeling it must have been for Bob to be able to help his family.

Reverse Mortgage created memories for familyHe bought tickets to take family members to movies and plays.  I was told that one of those experiences was taking his niece’s family to the play “Sleeping Beauty.”  As they were sitting in their seats the niece looked over and saw the pleasure in Bob’s face as he was watching the expressions on the faces of his family.  What a memory to treasure!  This was only one of several of these types of adventures and memories for Bob and his family.  The pleasure for the family was the kids got to know an uncle and share time with him as they had not been able to previously.

Having less funds available when the loan is due and payable or less of an inheritance is a negative of the reverse mortgage.  But using the funds and creating the memories by spending time together or giving the gifts and seeing the difference it makes while one is still alive can be a treasure which can never be replaced.

As his niece shared the stories I got tears in my eyes. The reverse mortgage had not only changed Bob’s life but the lives of an entire family.  Just before we were hanging up, Bob’s niece said, “Thanks for loving my uncle too.”

Providing security, independence, dignity and control for our seniors is why I believe in reverse mortgages and am in this industry.  It’s a blessing for me to be able to help -2015seniors and their families.  And I do love my clients and hearing their stories.

For the details and facts on reverse mortgages visit our website, www.RMSIDAC.com.

© 2011-2015 Beth Paterson, CRMP, Beth’s Reverse Mortgage Blog, 651-762-9648

This material may be re-posted provided it is re-posted in its entirety without modifications and includes the contact information, copyright information and the following link: http://wp.me/p4EUZQ-pq

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Blog posts’ information is current as of date post published, program is subject to change in in the future. Contact us for current information, 651-762-9648.

This site or the information provided is not from, or approved by, HUD, FHA, or any US Government or Agency.

How Do We Determine If A Reverse Mortgage Is Not Right For Us?

MN Seniors Determined Reverse Is Right For Them“Do you have any info on how to tell if a reverse mortgage is not right for you?” is a question I recently received from Stan Cohen of www.MaturityMatters.net.  He stated that one of the big issues he hears about is that seniors are afraid that a reverse mortgage may not be right for them.  He also stated that he has heard seniors are afraid of outliving their money and being forced from their homes.  Additionally he expressed the concerns of being hospital/nursing home bound for over a year and negating their contracts.

Following is my reply to help seniors and their families have a better understanding and overcome their fears of reverse mortgages.

There are a lot of misconceptions about reverse mortgages and I believe this puts the fear into the seniors and their families.

A reverse mortgage is a mortgage just like any mortgage but with special terms for seniors 62 and older. With a reverse mortgage there are no income or credit score qualifications and no monthly mortgage payments.  Another difference from a conventional mortgage is the reverse mortgage loan is not due and payable until the home is no longer the primary residence of the borrower or on their 150th birthday.

One can go into the nursing home temporarily as long as the home remains their primary residence and they are returning to the home within a year.

Once a reverse mortgage is in place, even if they use all their funds from the reverse mortgage the borrowers can stay in their home.  The advantage is they don’t have mortgage payments to make which takes away the risk of foreclosure from not making a monthly mortgage payment.

Just like a conventional mortgage, borrowers are responsible for keeping insurance on the property, paying property taxes and maintaining the home.  As long as they abide by the terms of the loan they are not forced from their home.

Some of my blog posts may help you clarify the facts:

“The Misconceptions of Reverse Mortgages Abound… What Do You Know?”

“Beware of Reverse Mortgage Misconceptions – The Fact is Reverse Mortgage Lenders Do NOT Own The Home!”

“Why Are You So Afraid of Reverse Mortgages?

There isn’t a check list to say when one should or shouldn’t do a reverse mortgage or whether it’s right or not right for them.  It’s very personal for everyone.

The first evaluation should be to determine if they qualify, i.e. they are old enough, the property qualifies, and they have enough equity to pay off any current mortgage(s).

Generally we say the reverse mortgage is not right for one who plans on moving in a short period of time.  However I have seen where it has been a huge benefit to seniors and their families even when the home is sold in a short period of time after the closing.  One needs to be educated on the pros and cons of the reverse mortgage for their situation and then decide if it will meet their needs.

Reverse Mortgage Originator Taking Time To Explain DocumentsOne should work with a reverse mortgage originator who will take time to meet with the borrower and discuss their needs, goals, and situation and help them evaluate whether the reverse mortgage might benefit them or whether another option may better suit their situation.  I’ve provided a checklist of questions to ask an originator in my blog article “Don’t Let Fear Keep You From A Reverse Mortgage… But Know What To Look For In A Lender.”   On our Reverse Mortgages SIDAC website I have an updated version of this check list at http://rmsidac.com/WhattoConsiderWhenTalkingtoLenders.php.

Another article that may help is:  “A Reverse Mortgage…Or? Other Options To Consider.”

I recommend you meet with a local originator rather than working with a lender from another state who just mails you an application package.  You’ll receive more personalized service and information.  We meet with our Minnesota seniors and usually spend two hours with them explaining the details of reverse mortgages and reviewing their situation along with the pros and cons.  This is even before we do an application.  The application is done in person, generally at their home, where we spend another hour and a half to two hours.

Do you go to a plumber if you are having health problems?  No, you go to a doctor.  And you don’t go to a generalist if you have cancer or heart disease, you go to the specialist.  The same is true for a reverse mortgage, go to a reverse mortgage specialist/expert to get the facts and options for one’s situation then decide what will best fit your situation.

Hope this information helps you with your decision to explore a reverse mortgage to determine if it might be right for you.

© 2011 Beth Paterson, Beth’s Reverse Mortgage Blog, 651-762-9648

This material may be re-posted provided it is re-posted in its entirety without modifications and includes the contact information, copyright information and the following link:  http://wp.me/p4EUZQ-p7

Blog posts’ information is current as of date post published, program is subject to change in in the future. Contact us for current information, 651-762-9648.

This site or the information provided is not from, or approved by, HUD, FHA, or any US Government or Agency.

Find security, control in retirement

MN senior couple who benefited from reverse mortgageIn retirement, top priorities are often estate planning, protecting investments and traveling. But large monthly home payments, high interest rates, foreclosures, home repairs and medical expenses can make doing those things difficult.

A solution to finance retirement, no matter one’s circumstances, may be a reverse mortgage.

A mortgage with special terms for homeowners 62 and older, a reverse mortgage has no income or credit score qualifications, and no monthly payment requirements, which offer many advantages for senior homeowners.

Recently, I worked with a couple in their 70s that needed some additional funds for home repairs, including a new energy efficient furnace. Anticipating future medical expenses, they liked that through a reverse mortgage they could get money for their immediate needs, eliminate their mortgage payment and still have funds for their future needs with a growing line of credit.

In a reverse mortgage, a homeowner still owns their home. Those who enter a reverse mortgage continue to be responsible for their taxes, homeowners insurance and maintenance of the property.

In a standard mortgage, homeowners have access to cash from the equity of their home, and also, when the home is sold any remaining equity goes to them or their estate.

In a reverse mortgage, residents also can borrow cash from the equity of their home, and often at interest rates lower than they would qualify for on a regular loan. They do not have to repay that loan until the home is no longer their primary residence.

When the resident is no longer living in the home, if there is any remaining equity, they will receive it just as in a standard mortgage. But if their loan balance is higher than the home can be sold for, there is no liability to them or their estate as long as they do not retain ownership of the home.

Generally, funds received through a reverse mortgage are considered tax-free (one should consult a tax advisor for their individual situation). Social Security and Medicare are also not affected and Medical Assistance and other public benefits can still be received.

Used reverse mortgage to vacation with daughterA single woman I worked with appreciated that the reverse mortgage was explained to her and her children so they could all understand the details.  With no restrictions on how the funds are used, after doing the reverse mortgage she got new windows and siding as well as took a vacation with her daughter.

Another couple I recently helped used their reverse mortgage to pay off their current mortgage and eliminate monthly payments. Not having to make payments, the husband was able to retire – a much awaited and deserved event at the age of 70.

A reverse mortgage has allowed thousands of Minnesota seniors to remain in their home with security, independence dignity and control no matter what their circumstances.

*** Written by Beth Paterson, MLO #342859, as Guest Colomist in The Edina Sun Current, Edina, MN Thursday, Feb. 3, 2011 www.minnlocal.com Sun Newspapers

© 2011 Beth Paterson, Beth’s Reverse Mortgage Blog, 651-762-9648

This material may be re-posted provided it is re-posted in its entirety without modifications and includes the contact information, copyright information and the following link:  http://wp.me/p4EUZQ-oX

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Blog posts’ information is current as of date post published, program is subject to change in in the future. Contact us for current information, 651-762-9648.

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A New Reverse Mortgage Option, The HECM Saver… Is It A Good Option for Seniors?


MN Man benefited by reverse mortageIn 1989 FHA insured the first HUD reverse mortgage known as the Home Equity Conversion Mortgage or HECM.  Through the years it has pretty much been the same until October 2010 when HUD introduced the HECM Saver.  Before determining if the HECM Saver is a good option one must first have an understanding of reverse mortgages.

A mortgage just like any other mortgage, the reverse mortgage offers special terms for seniors home owners 62 and older.  Advantages for seniors are with the reverse mortgage there are no income or credit score requirements and no monthly payment requirements.

The Principal Limit or maximum loan amount is determined by the home value or FHA Lending Limit, the age of the youngest borrower (the older one is the more they can receive), the Expected Interest Rate, and the program chosen.  The funds available can be received in a lump sum, monthly payments, or a line of credit.  The monthly payments can be structured as one needs or for life as long as the home is the primary residence.  Funds in the line of credit grow so more funds can be available in the future.

The borrowers keep the title to the home and are responsible for taxes, insurance, and maintaining the home.  Unlike a conventional loan the interest accrues, increasing the balance with no payments due until the home is no longer the primary residence of the borrowers.  In addition, the reverse mortgage is a non-recourse loan which means there is no personal liability to the borrowers or their estate for repayment if they or their estate are not retaining ownership.  Remaining equity goes to the borrowers or their heirs.

One can have a trust, life estate, or receive Medical Assistance, Elderly Waiver or other public benefits.  In the case of a couple even if one of the borrowers goes into the nursing home or passes away, the other one can stay in the home.  Not considered income, Social Security and Medicare are not affected.

With no limitations on how the funds can be used, through the years hundreds of thousands of seniors have benefited from the reverse mortgage allowing them to stay in their home and have security, independence and control.

However the closing costs often scare people away.  As with a conventional loan, there are traditional closing costs including an origination fee, appraisal, title fees, title insurance and recording fees.  With the FHA HECM borrowers also pay a mortgage insurance premium (MIP).  Because the fees are upfront, they are often perceived as high.

With the introduction of the Saver, which has all the same features of the original HECM, the upfront FHA Mortgage Insurance Premium is 0.01% compared to 2.00% which helps reduce the upfront closing costs.  But it also reduces the Principal Limit available to borrowers.

The HECM Saver could be beneficial to those who don’t want to pay as much in the upfront closing costs but also don’t want to use as much equity from their home.  It can be ideal if one plans on moving in a shorter period of time or has a higher home value and wants to preserve more of the equity.

HECM Saver Good OptionTim and Mary have a conventional mortgage and they would like to eliminate the mortgage payments.  In addition they want to pull out as little of the equity as they can.  The HECM Saver is ideal for their situation because there are enough proceeds to pay off their current mortgage and use less of their equity.

Judy considered the HECM Saver but has chosen to go with the HECM Standard adjustable rate because after paying off her current mortgage and some other debts, she will have more funds in a line of credit for future use.

One must always look at their situation to determine which program will work best for their circumstances.  A consideration while reviewing the options between a HECM Saver and the HECM Standard (the original program), is whether in a few years one will have used all the proceeds from the HECM Saver and will need more funds.  While one can refinance a reverse mortgage when refinancing a mortgage one pays the closing costs again (just as is done with a conventional mortgage) and the first mortgage must be paid off.

Consequently while saving on the upfront MIP with the HECM Saver, if more funds are needed at a future date, it could be more costly when refinancing by paying the closing costs a second time.  And one may or may not even qualify to refinance their HECM Saver.

So is the HECM Saver a good option for those seeking a reverse mortgage?  It certainly should be an option considered and could be a good option depending on one’s circumstances.

© 2010 Beth Paterson, Beth’s Reverse Mortgage Blog, 651-762-9648

This material may be re-posted provided it is re-posted in its entirety without modifications and includes the contact information, copyright information and the following link:  http://wp.me/p4EUZQ-oK

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Blog posts’ information is current as of date post published, program is subject to change in in the future. Contact us for current information, 651-762-9648.

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How Do Reverse Mortgages Compare to Conventional Mortgages?

Comparing A Reverse Mortgage to A Conventional MortgageA Reverse Mortgage is similar to a conventional mortgage because it is a lien against the property and the title remains in the name of the borrower.  As with the conventional mortgage, the reverse mortgage borrower is responsible for maintaining the property and paying the property taxes and insurance and association dues if applicable.

The costs are also similar to the conventional loan including an appraisal, title insurance, settlement fees, origination fee, and recording fees.  Additional costs with the HUD Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) reverse mortgage are the FHA Mortgage Insurance Premium (MIP) and a monthly service fee.  Note that on a conventional loan the servicing fee is included in the interest rate, whereas it is a separate fee with the reverse mortgage.   If one is doing a “forward” FHA loan, they too will have the FHA Mortgage Insurance Premium.

To determine the loan amount on a conventional loan, the lender looks at the home value, credit worthiness, income, assets, and other potential risks that may be associated with loan repayment.  The reverse mortgage is different because there are no income or credit score qualifications.  The age of the borrower(s), the home value, and the expected interest rate are used for determining the loan amount.

With the conventional mortgage one receives a lump sum and has to make monthly payments.  With the reverse mortgage one receive cash without making monthly or immediate repayment.   Funds can be received in a lump sum, monthly payments, line of credit, or a combination of these.

A loan term or when the loan is to be paid in full  is usually set at  15 or 30 years with a conventional mortgage.  A reverse mortgage is to be paid in full when the loan is no longer the primary residence of the borrower(s) or on the 150th birthday of the youngest borrower.

As with a conventional mortgage, when the loan is due and payable, the house does not become the property of the lender.  The borrower or estate handles the repayment of the loan.  When the home is sold with either mortgage the loan is paid off and the remaining equity is the borrower’s or their heirs.

The reverse mortgage is a non-recourse loan which means the loan is paid back based on the fair market value (generally from the sale of the home) with no personal liability to the borrower or the estate .

For seniors 62 and older, the reverse mortgage is generally more advantageous than a conventional loan.

© 2010-2011 Beth Paterson, Beth’s Reverse Mortgage Blog, 651-762-9648

This material my be re-posted provided it is re-posted in its entirety without modifications and includes the contact information, copyright information and the following link:  http://wp.me/p4EUZQ-ot

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Blog posts’ information is current as of date post published, program is subject to change in in the future. Contact us for current information, 651-762-9648.

This site or the information provided is not from, or approved by, HUD, FHA, or any US Government or Agency.

Need Home Modifications To Age In Place? A Reverse Mortgage May Help

Seniors want to Age in PlaceMost seniors want to stay in their homes and remain independent yet often believe they can’t for a number of reasons.  Making some home modifications could make their wish of remaining in their home a reality by providing a safer more comfortable environment.

More than one third of those age 65 and older suffer injuries from a fall each year according to research from the National Center for Injury Control and Prevention.  AARP research suggests the leading cause of injury and deaths among seniors is falls.  Modifying one’s home can help to eliminate common hazards and help to improve the quality of living in one’s home.  Improving the safety of one’s home can help one have more comfort, convenience, and  remain independent and active in their community.  Some people have mobility limitations from causes other than falls and still want to stay in their home.  This too can be accomplished with some home modifications.Home modifications can help seniors remain in home

Bathing, toileting, cooking, and climbing stairs can be made easier to perform by adapting one’s home.  Modifying one’s home can be as simple as installing grab bars in the bathrooms, removing throw rugs, moving electrical cords from hazardous locations, touch buttons for turning lights on and off to installing entrances to accommodate wheel chairs and lifts to access another level.

By assessing and modifying one’s home, one can live more safely, comfortably and remain independent.  But how can one afford this?  A reverse mortgage may be the solution beyond what Medicare or insurance will pay for.

A reverse mortgage is a special loan to allow seniors to remain in their home with security, independence, dignity, and control by converting the equity into cash.  Similar to a conventional loan where a lien is placed on the home yet the borrower retains ownership.  The reverse mortgage is different from a conventional loan with no income or credit scores required and no monthly mortgage payment requirements.

The reverse mortgage loan amount is based on the age of the borrower, their home value and an Expected Interest Rate.  Due and payable when the home is no longer the primary residence, usually when they move, die or sell, a reverse mortgage can allow one to remain in their home and use the equity now.  As a non-recourse loan there is no personal liability to the borrower or their estate as long as they are not retaining ownership.  If the home is sold for more than the loan balance then the borrower(s) or their heirs keep the difference.Reverse Mortgage Helped Bob Modify His Home

Bob, a Minnesota senior who had lost his wife wanted to stay in his home.  He did the reverse mortgage and with a portion of his proceeds he modified his home to be prepared for the future such as having the doorways wider to accommodate a wheel chair and grab bars installed.  He’s thrilled that he was able to have his home modified and will be able to remain there for years to come.

© 2010 Beth Paterson, Beth’s Reverse Mortgage Blog, 651-762-9648

This material may be re-posted provided it is re-posted in its entirety without modifications and includes the contact information, copyright information and the following link:  http://wp.me/p4EUZQ-ob

Related articles:

Blog posts’ information is current as of date post published, program is subject to change in in the future. Contact us for current information, 651-762-9648.

This site or the information provided is not from, or approved by, HUD, FHA, or any US Government or Agency.

A Reverse Mortgage Or…? Other Options To Consider

Senior Needing MoneySeniors need money for a variety of reasons including home repairs or modifications, medical expenses, home care, long term care, taxes, insurance, cash for emergencies, covering mortgage payments, a reliable car, everyday living expenses and even just maintaining their lifestyle.  There are always options to consider and they should be reviewed when making important decisions especially when they are big decisions such as doing a reverse mortgage.

Before looking at some of the other options let’s define a reverse mortgage.  The most common reverse mortgage is the FHA insured Home Equity Conversion Mortgage or HECM offered through HUD.  A jumbo or proprietary/private  reverse mortgage may be available in some states (not available in Minnesota).   A mortgage like a conventional mortgage, a reverse mortgage is a loan against one’s home using the equity now with the home as collateral, however, the reverse mortgage has special terms for those 62 and older.  The amount loaned is based on the age of the borrower, the home value and an expected rate rather than on one’s credit score and income.  The older one is the more funds they can receive.  Just like a conventional mortgage, the homeowner remains on title – the bank does not own the home.

Proceeds from the reverse mortgage can be taken as monthly payments, line of credit, lump sum or a combination of these.  Monthly mortgage payments aren’t required but the loan is due and payable when the home is no longer one’s primary residence.  In the case of a joint tenants as long as one is still in the home as their primary residence the loan is not due until both have left the home as their primary residence.  The due date on the mortgage is the 150th birth date of the youngest borrower.

Another benefit of the reverse mortgage is the fact that it is a non-recourse loan which means there is no personal liability to the borrower or their heirs as long as they are not retaining ownership.  In other words if the loan balance due on one’s home is $250,000 but the home can only be sold for $200,000 the borrowers or their heirs are not required to come up with the difference of the $50,000 as long as they are selling the home and not keeping it in the family.  The opposite also is also a benefit, if the home is sold for more than the loan balance, the borrower or the heirs receive the difference.

Social Security and Medicare are not affected and one can still receive Medicaid or Minnesota’s Medical Assistance as long as the loan proceeds are structured properly.  Because the funds are considered loan proceeds, not income, generally the IRS does not consider the reverse mortgage proceeds as income for tax purposes.  Additionally reverse mortgages are more highly protected than any other financial option available.

Now let’s look at some other options.

  1. State and Community programs for special purposes such as home repairs. There may be some options for low or no interest loans or grants to help seniors or those with low-income have funds for home repairs.  These are often forgiven if you are in the home for a period of time such as 10 years.  This can be a great option if one only needs funds for repairs such as a new roof or repair a bathroom.  Unfortunately the funds for these programs are not as readily available.  Additionally we have found that seniors often have more needs than just home repairs such as they have credit card debt or their Social Security just isn’t enough for meeting their living expenses.
  2. Property tax deferrals. If a senior is having difficulty paying their taxes they may qualify for a property tax deferral.  This is a program that allows property taxes to be deferred or delayed until one sells their home.  This can be a great option if paying taxes is the only issue.  Again, seniors often have a need for more cash than just covering their taxes.
  3. Liquidation of stocks, bonds, 401Ks, and/or other investments. If one has other investments this may be an option which would have no outside approval needed and possible minimal costs to access the funds although there may be penalties and/or tax consequences.  Things to consider is there enough funds to meet the needs of cash?  And is it better to keep those investments until when the value increases (opportunity costs).  When liquidating other investments one may lose the additional financial security.
  4. Is selling a cabin or other property an option?Sale of other assets, for example lake home, RV, boat, real estate property. This may provide extra cash although it may be difficult or time consuming to sell and may not provide enough funds for their needs.  Additionally it may reduce one’s quality of life.
  5. Loans from relatives. Loans from relatives can be an easy transaction to complete, cost effective, i.e. no or low interest and possibly no or low payments.  Is there a relative who will loan the money?  Will the loan be enough to meet one’s  needs?  What happens if the relative’s life changes, i.e. they have medical issues or lose their job and they need money for their own needs – will they require the senior repay the loan and how will this be done?  How will this impact the senior at this point?  What will it do to family relationships?
  6. Relative becomes “bank” and provides loan using home as equity. As noted above, it could be an easy transaction, credit and income may not be considered, and it could be cost effective with a lower interest and low payments.  The above questions and concerns should also be considered when doing this type of transaction.  When doing this type of arrangement I would recommend setting up legal documents to reflect terms of the loan just as with a loan from a professional lender would do.
  7. Sell home to relative or investor and lease or rent back. This can have the same advantages as I noted above.  As pointed out above, I would recommend setting up legal documents to reflect terms of the loan just as with a loan from a professional lender would do.  And again the same concerns that I pointed out above should be considered before entering this type of arrangement.  If it is a lease back/rental situation what happens when the senior can’t make the payments?  Will they be forced to leave their home?  If the relative is doing the loan and their situation changes they may not be able pay the mortgage on the home they may need to sell the home or they could face foreclosure.  This will be a difficult situation for all parties involved and hurt the family relationships.  If the investor’s plans or goals change they may decide to or need to sell and then what happens to the senior?
  8. Selling, moving and renting. This could provide one with access to all equity in the home with no restrictions on the use of the funds.  If one is in a home too large to manage or it is no longer safe for them to be in the home and they can’t afford the home care, this may be the best option.  Things to consider are the costs of selling, how disruptive will the selling and move be since seniors want to stay in their home with familiar surroundings.  Where are they going to live and will the funds be enough to cover the living expenses now and in the future especially if they are renting.  Will their quality of life be reduced if they want to stay in their neighborhood.  Selling and receiving all funds in a lump sum could affect receiving government benefits such as Medical Assistance.Selling and Moving Or A Reverse Mortgage?
  9. Moving in with children or other relatives. Selling and moving in with children or other relatives could provide extra cash as well as support or care by their loved ones.  Things to consider would be if the children have space for their parent(s) to move in with them.  Do the children have time to provide the extra care? Can they afford to give the extra support to their parents?  What will it do to the family relationships?  Seniors don’t want to rely on their children so how will this impact the senior?
  10. Home sharing. Remember the TV show “The Golden Girls”?  Setting up a home sharing situation could be an advantage to increase cash flow as it would reduce expenses by sharing costs.  Another advantage could be having someone else around.  If the senior is selling and moving in with someone else consider the costs of selling and moving, the disruption to their lifestyle, and living with someone else.  If they are the one renting will they have enough funds to cover living expenses in the future.  And how will it impact the receipt of government benefits?
  11. Line of credit or Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC). A line of credit at a bank will allow one to borrower only what is needed and the initial loan costs may be low.  They will be able to access the cash as the needed it.  At this time it may be difficult to qualify because of their fixed income and/or credit.  They may not qualify for enough funds to meet their needs and even if they have what they need now, will they need an additional loan for future needs?  If they do qualify for a bank line of credit they will have to make payments and defeat the purpose of improved cash flow.  And if life changes they may not be able to make the payments.
  12. Home Equity loan. This may be an option if one can qualify… to qualify one needs to meet the requirements of income, credit and ability to repay the loan which also determine the interest rate.  One may borrow only what is needed, i.e. $30,000 and the loan origination fee is based on the actual amount of the loan.  Historically the interest rate is higher than with a reverse mortgage.  Being payments are required if life changes, one may not be able to make the payments and then may face foreclosure.

The reverse mortgage may be a bigger benefit to a senior than these options but before one makes the final decision, the negatives of the reverse mortgage should also be reviewed.  Generally the negative is there will be less funds available for heirs or when the loan is being repaid because the loan balance is increasing as one is using the funds during the life of the loan and not making payments.

Another negative is the interest is not a deduction until it is paid generally at the time the loan is being paid off.  Although payments can be made on the reverse mortgage and once the FHA Mortgage Insurance Premium is paid payments can be applied to the interest to receive a tax deduction on interest paid.

Closing costs are often perceived as high although they are comparable to a conventional mortgage.  An explanation of the costs can be found at “Do You Understand The Reverse Mortgage Closing Costs?” and a comparison of the costs are at “Reverse Mortgage Closing Costs – High or Mythical?

Reviewed Options But Happy With Reverse Mortgage DecisionDoes the reverse mortgage have more pros over the other options?  Reverse mortgage borrowers who have evaluated their options feel the positives outweigh the negatives because they want to remain in their home, live comfortably, have some “elbow room,” and be independent with financial peace of mind without being burden on their children. Usually the children are doing fine on their own and want their parents to eliminate their financial worries and enjoy their life more fully.

© 2010 Beth Paterson, Beth’s Reverse Mortgage Blog, 651-762-9648

This material may be re-posted provided it is re-posted in its entirety without modifications and includes the contact information, copyright information and the following link:  http://wp.me/p4EUZQ-nC

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Blog posts’ information is current as of date post published, program is subject to change in in the future. Contact us for current information, 651-762-9648.

This site or the information provided is not from, or approved by, HUD, FHA, or any US Government or Agency.

Can’t Afford To Retire? Maybe There’s An Answer!

Able to retire with a reverse mortgageWith mortgage payments due, retirement funds decreased or decreasing it is harder for seniors to retire.  However, there may be the option to retirement.

Working a 40 hour week at a very physically demanding job, Len continued to work in order to cover their mortgage payments.  After hearing about a reverse mortgage, they contacted me, got educated with the facts and decided to proceed.  Once their reverse mortgage was closed and their conventional mortgage paid off, eliminating mortgage payments Len was able to retire.  With no mortgage payments, he and his wife, Maricarol are now enjoying their retirement, living in their Minnesota retirement home close to their children giving them the opportunity to spend more time with their children and grandchildren.  They said, “Without the reverse mortgage Len would not have been able to retire.”

Trying to make ends meet and make his mortgage payments, Jack is still working.  Having completed his Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM) application, he is anxious to get to the date of his closing so his mortgage will be paid off with the reverse mortgage and his cash flow improved.

A mortgage with special terms for seniors, a reverse mortgage allows those 62 and over to keep the title, remain in their home with no income or credit score qualifications, no monthly mortgage payments, and a due date when the home is no longer their primary residence or their 150th birthday.  (A jumbo reverse mortgage does have a credit score qualification, however.)  Considered a lien against the property the IRS generally does not consider the reverse mortgage loan advances to be taxable income.

Offering more flexibility, the reverse mortgage proceeds can be received in monthly payments (for life or structured to borrowers needs), line of credit (with a growth rate), lump sum or a combination of these.

The loan amount is determined by the home value, age of the borrower (the older one is the more they can access), interest rate and program chosen.  The fixed rate option requires all proceeds to be drawn as a lump sum, the adjustable rate allows the flexibility of the funds to be received in monthly payments or a line of credit.  One’s circumstances will help decide which program is best for their situation.

At 79, Mike was still working to supplement his Social Security income.  Then he injured his knee and couldn’t work any more.  Without his work income he couldn’t afford to cover his living expense, which included a $700 mortgage payment, let alone his additional medical expenses.

Maintained retirement lifestyle with reverse mortgageMike did a reverse mortgage and with his proceeds, his conventional loan was paid off as well as some other bills.  He now has a better cash flow because he doesn’t have to make any mortgage payments.  And having chosen the monthly payment option, and he is receiving monthly payments to replace his working salary.

He’s very relieved that he doesn’t have to worry about where the money is going to come from to make his mortgage payment or maintain his lifestyle.  Even with his knee healed he doesn’t have the need to work and he doesn’t have to worry about losing his home if he couldn’t make a mortgage payment.  He now has security, independence, dignity, and control during his retirement.

If you know someone 62 and older thinking they can’t afford to retire, have them explore a reverse mortgage.  Being educated with the facts the reverse mortgage may well be their answer to retiring.

© 2010 Beth Paterson, Beth’s Reverse Mortgage Blog, 651-762-9648

This material may be re-posted provided it is re-posted in its entirety without modifications and includes the contact information, copyright information and the following link: http://wp.me/p4EUZQ-nn

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Blog posts’ information is current as of date post published, program is subject to change in in the future. Contact us for current information, 651-762-9648.

This site or the information provided is not from, or approved by, HUD, FHA, or any US Government or Agency.

Who Should You Believe About Reverse Mortgages?

Questioning Who To Believe About Reverse Mortgages?With the media publishing articles about reverse mortgages by so called reporters and comments by professionals (financial, CPA, attorney), legislators,  and the general public, everyone has an opinion about reverse mortgages.  The many articles that have surfaced about reverse mortgages including in MSNBC, Time Magazine, Parade Magazine, Consumer Reports, and the National Consumer Law Center Report all provide information trying to give the impression the reporters have done their research.

Unfortunately these so called reporters have NOT done their research and their articles are NOT based on facts of reverse mortgages. They don’t have documentation supporting their statements. If they had done their research and had the documentation to support their statements the articles would read much differently.  Consequently the articles misrepresent reverse mortgages and are painting negative images based on the so called reporters’ biased opinions which spread the misconceptions and  misunderstandings of reverse mortgages.

Even the articles that outline the facts have comments that reflect ignorance of reverse mortgages.  And the sad point is that people are believing these sources who don’t have the facts or take the time to get the facts.

Think about it.  Would you go to a plumber for health issues?  Of course not!  You go to a doctor.  And don’t you go to a specialist for the area of your concern, i.e. a heart specialist for heart disease?  So why go to the media, professionals, legislators or others instead of going to a reverse mortgage specialist for the facts on reverse mortgages?

Let me share 15 facts about reveres mortgages that are often misunderstood:

  1. A reverse mortgage is a mortgage just like any home equity loan where one uses the equity of the home but it has special terms for seniors 62 and older.
  2. The lender or bank does NOT own the home – YOU OWN THE HOME, you keep the title and are responsible for property taxes and insurance, association dues (if applicable), maintaining the property and abiding by the terms of the loan.
  3. There are no income or credit score requirements to qualify for the FHA Home Equity Conversion Mortgage (HECM). (Some proprietary jumbo reverse mortgages may have credit qualifications.)
  4. No monthly mortgage payments are required.
  5. There is no limitation on how the funds can be used.
  6. Offers more options – Funds can be received in monthly payments structured for life or as needed, line of credit (with a growth rate), lump sum, or a combination of these.
  7. Social Security and Medicare are not affected because it is a loan, not considered income.
  8. Medicaid (Medical Assistance (MA) in Minnesota) and other government benefits can still be received with the reverse mortgage.
  9. Borrowers can stay in the home as long as it is their primary residence or in the case of a couple as long as one borrower is still in the home as their primary residence.  The due date on the mortgage is the youngest borrower’s 150th birthday.
  10. At the time of sale if the home is sold for more than the loan balance, the borrower(s) or their heirs receive the difference.  The lender or bank does NOT keep the difference!
  11. The loan is non-recourse which means there is no personal liability to the borrower or their heirs if they are not retaining ownership.  So borrowers or their heirs don’t have to come up with the difference if the loan balance is higher than what the home is be sold for as long as they are not retaining ownership.  Borrowers are not leaving a debt to their children.
  12. As borrowers use the funds/equity and are not making monthly payments the loan balance increases meaning because they used the money now, there will be less available when the loan is being repaid.  (With a conventional mortgage one is using the equity but making monthly payments which repays the interest and a portion of the principal each month.)
  13. Fees are regulated and only HUD allowed fees are permitted with no mark-ups or junk fees.  Even though many times they are considered expensive or high they compare to conventional loans, in fact the difference comes down to the FHA Mortgage Insurance Premium.  You can see a comparison of the costs in my article, “Reverse Mortgage Costs – High or Mythical?” and “Do You Understand The Reverse Mortgage Closing Costs?
  14. FHA offers and insures through HUD the majority of reverse mortgages known as the Home Equity Conversion Mortgage or HECM, making it the most highly regulated mortgage available.   The advantages include:
    • Guaranteeing the funds are available for you.
    • Guaranteeing the lender against default or shortfalls which means the interest rates are lower (currently under 3% on the adjustable rate; 5.56% on the fixed) compared to other mortgages.
    • Providing a line of credit growth rate (available only with reverse mortgages).
    • Insuring as a reverse mortgage it is a non-recourse (no personal liability) loan.
  15. The HECM borrowers are highly protected.  See my Blog article “You Need To know Reverse Mortgage Borrowers Are Highly Protected!

At Applicaiton Receive Reverse Mortgage Sample Closing DocumentsThese facts are all supported in the documents signed at application and at closing including the Important Terms and the Loan Agreement. With the reverse mortgage the sample closing documents are required to be provided to borrowers at the time of application so they have the opportunity to review, have their family and/or attorney review the documents before signing.  If they read them they will have the facts as outlined above.

One would think it is a simple answer to the question, “Who Should You Believe About Reverse Mortgages?”  However seeing the many articles along with the comments it appears people believe the wrong source.  So are you going to believe the media and non reverse mortgage professionals about reverse mortgages?  I encourage you to get the facts from a reverse mortgage specialist just as you get your health facts from the health care specialist.  Then decide if it is right for your situation.

© 2010 Beth Paterson, Beth’s Reverse Mortgage Blog, 651-762-9648

This material my be re-posted provided it is re-posted in its entirety and without modifications and includes the contact information, copyright information and the following link:  http://wp.me/p4EUZQ-n4

Related Articles:

Blog posts’ information is current as of date post published, program is subject to change in in the future. Contact us for current information, 651-762-9648.

This site or the information provided is not from, or approved by, HUD, FHA, or any US Government or Agency.